The spiritual suffering, or the pain of loss, is the greatest pain of Purgatory, according, to the Fathers of the Church. No one can comprehend the great suffering of a soul departed, which, in all it’s ardent desire for the highest and only good, sees itself ever repulsed as an object of God's avenging justice.
St. Alphonsus writes: “Far greater than the pain of sense in Purgatory is that pain which the holy souls must endure in being deprived of the vision of God. Because these souls are inflamed, not only with a natural, but with a supernatural love of God, they are so vehemently attracted to the union with their highest good, that, in being repulsed through their own fault, they experience so violent a pain as would kill them instantly if death were possible to them." Therefore, says St. Chrysostom, "this pain of being deprived of God is a far greater pain for them than the pain of the senses. The fire of hell increased a thousand times would not cause them such great suffering as does this pain of the loss of God."
Prayer : O God, Father of mercies, grant the ardent desire of the souls in Purgatory who yearn to behold Thee. Send down to them Thy holy angel with the joyful tidings that the moment of their redemption has come, that their exile is ended, and bless them by the perfect union with Thee forever. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Special Intercession : Pray for the souls who are punished for their forgetfulness of the holy Presence of God during their lives.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them; may they rest in peace. Amen.
(Three times)
Practice : Try to remember at all times the holy Presence of God.
Invocation : My Jesus, mercy!